Date: 2022-06-01
Eng. Ahmed Rabie about the power of space

Ahmed Rabie is a passionate designer who is distinguished by his different techniques used in the market nowadays. He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts in 1999, and since then, he started working on on-ground projects while continuing his studies. Rabie believed in the power of understanding different cultures and how it affects the learning curve and the creativity of a designer.
He has lived in Qatar for more than a year and a half, where he has worked on many remarkable projects and got featured in different magazines. He managed to reflect his identity into the projects, adding his own input while matching it with the culture. He has also left his mark on projects in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and other countries.
Rabie, then, traveled to Australia and worked in furniture design and other different types of design work. Rabie has a talent for diversifying his work through the different cultures and elements he has been introduced to while adding his unique sense and style.
In the following part, Rabie talk to us about the Power of Space, one of the interesting topics that we’ve been delighted to go over.
What is the Power of Space?
Power of space is an ancient natural science of building design and placement. It is sometimes called Geomantic science, which is the discipline of understanding from the innate wisdom of the earth how to live in harmony with it by properly sitting, orienting, designing, and decorating the buildings where we live and work. That is why it is also known as the art of placement (of a building on the land).
What, When, How, and Why
When we first introduced the concept of Power of Space, most people asked, "should I wait until after the building is designed, constructed, and decorated and have it all shaped nicely first and then hire a designer to add the last touches, or should I work with an interior design expert from the very beginning?”
I like to make my clients feel comfortable with their efforts and their homes, but I believe that when they hire me, they also expect me to give them advice on how to make their homes a more favorable place to live in. Of course, I prefer being able to communicate with them ahead of time, when they can make the big changes that make the big differences; which is one of the main reasons for having this article. The idea has been swirling around in my head for some time: to assist homeowners and professionals in designing houses with "good " power of space from the start instead of trying to put a bandage on problems or make patchwork corrections after the fact.
The idea here is to do it right from the start, while you're still sketching your ideas on paper. This way, after all the designing, building and decoration are over, when you turn to ask a 'Power of Space' master about the work, you’ll never receive an answer less than “you’ve nailed it!”
A Designer's Journey
As a child, I was immersed in and so passionate about design and home furnishings. By the time I got to university, I had a very clear idea of how an ideal residential building should be designed.
While I was visiting Hong Kong, our tour guide continually praised the expertise of the power of space masters; apparently, there were no custom homes, corporate buildings, or commercial investments planned without first consulting one of these experts. There was no further elaboration about the concept except that "it's a Chinese secret."
For several weeks after returning back home, I tried to introduce some of the same elements into my designs. Curiously, I couldn't…
The Missing Link
My first encounter with "missing lines or links" was in my university years, during a physics class specifically, when my professor detoured from his regular lecture in order to shed light on developments in modern physics that sounded more like metaphysics:
Mechanistic physics is quickly replaced by quantum physics. This means that instead of a world of "stuff", we have a world of invisible energy made visible through its interaction with our own energy system. Our entire universe, which we know through a well-established series of the reference system, may have more laws of physics than those we are acquainted with. If so, our current reference system may need to be revised and updated. What we perceive as chaos today may in fact be an order that we do not yet know how to interpret.
Once we find these laws, chaos will become a well-defined reality with cause and effect.
If we look deeply into every object, we do not see matter, but an interchange of energetically balanced and opposing polarities: a world of electrons, protons, and neutrons rhythmically dancing around each other. Different rhythms are easy to recognize because they look, feel, taste, and smell different to our senses. What we define as the input of the five senses is actually our body's energy rhythm clashing with the energy rhythm of the object we are observing as well as we interact with our five senses.
Is there any form of intelligence guiding it? Is there any rational plan behind it? Can chaos be explained using laws and rules? What is the common link that holds this physical universe together? And, of course, the ultimate question is WHY?
I found all of that fascinating. Now that I am more aware of the incredible connection that’s relating science, nature, and the divine, I realize that they are all part of the same thing.
I also came to realize why the greatest architects of the past, such as Michel Angelo, Borromini, Bernini and Guarino Guarini, to mention just a few, had pursued the study of metaphysics. I suspect they, too, were searching for an "invisible ideal" order of design— and ultimately, of life.
Junior Organic Architect
Shortly after my graduation, I became well acquainted with many architects who were following the principles of organic architecture and codified rules for practicing organic architecture. In fact, much of the organic architectural practice hinged on the designer's interpretation. I found myself becoming increasingly aware of the tremendous influence the Asian culture had on the organic concept of architecture, and the respect and admiration that modern organic architects have for it.
In search of a divine rule, I eventually became better acquainted with the Asian, Ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Islamic communities with the concept of a spiritual practice of architecture. I learned about how the power of space deals with metaphysics, and more about the study of buildings on an energy level that the eye cannot see. Of course, I am not talking about the effects of radioactive material or asbestos, but rather the patterns of the natural life-force energy as it flows into and through a building. Yes, it is a secret because it cannot be seen, so one has to be sensitive enough to understand its dynamics and, also, one must study with a good teacher. This is how to truly learn, otherwise, the power of space remains a secret.
When I finally began to learn this secret, I knew I had come to the end of my search and the beginning of my new apprenticeship as a junior traditional power of space master. I learned the art and science of the traditional power of space, with the idea of integrating it with my interior design background. After many years of study, I read the energy patterns of all sorts of buildings, such as residential, commercial, new, old, historical sites and celebrity homes, to see the practical effects of the theory on real life. I built my own archive of personal experiences and continued to be astounded at the close relationship between the information revealed in my readings and my client's personal stories.
At the same time, my concepts about design were transformed dramatically. When I looked at a building before, I saw an assembly of walls, doors, and windows, while now, I see patterns of energy, some favorable and some not, as well as the flow of life-force energy from room to room. Now, I decide on a layout or a design based on this "energy blueprint".
Of course, I do my best to recommend the power of space solutions that are also very functional and in good taste. This article can act as a doorway to the metaphysical aspect of design and decoration by providing a new understanding of how life-force energy affects a home. These elements are important because they will eventually affect the occupants, who by the mere act of living there, will be in tune with the building's energy. Any unbalance present in the structure will be reflected in their lives.
Many architects and designers who are introduced to the power of space principles subsequently discover a brand-new awareness and perception of architecture and the constructed environment around them.
The Wisdom of the Earth
It is important to be aligned with the ongoing changes in order to see them coming and to be able to adjust accordingly. Change is caused by transformational patterns of the life-force energy on the planet.
Once you know how the life-force energy operates, you can make sure to be where the energy of the earth is more positive, more prosperous, and more supportive. Doing this will support you during these changes and increase the potential for favorable outcomes by allowing you to plan your life while taking advantage of the support of the surrounding energy.
By observing the cycles of nature and consequently its energy transformations, the power of space can align us and our buildings with the energy of our planet. By being aware of how our environment affects us, we can learn how to transform our lives.
What the Power of Space Can and Cannot Do?
The power of space can be used as a tool for growth; and like any other tool, it must be used properly. Therefore, to avoid misinterpretation and to save us from unrealistic expectations, it is important to understand what the power of space can do.
- The power of space can assist us in selecting a prosperous location for a house or business. It cannot bring us million-dollar deals if we are not working towards them.
- The power of space can make our life's journey clearer, but it can neither change our destiny nor help us to avoid change in our life. Change is a part of life, and sometimes we have to make difficult decisions. The power of space is a tool that can help us make those decisions. By forecasting cyclical changes, power of space helps us maximize the positive effects of those changes and minimize the negatives.
- Designing a space using the power of space places us in better harmony with the environment and all the elements of nature.
Selecting a Skilled Power of Space Expert
Since the spaces we inhabit have a tremendous impact on the way we feel and walk through life, I advise anyone starting a project to design a building correctly from the start. In our case, look for the best power of space experts, even if you have to bring them in from other cities. Their skills are certainly worth the expense.