Written by: Farah Hassan
Date: 2022-09-07
In conversation with founder and CEO of One Human Family, Rana El-Hawary.

In conversation with founder and CEO of One Human Family, Rana El-Hawary.
Rana El-Hawary, founder and CEO of one human family (OHF) and Icon for apparel and home textiles believes in lifelong learning, hard effort, and setting clear, attainable objectives. Graduating with a double major in strategic planning and international business in 2009 was only the beginning of her long extensive educational background, “Since then, I got my Master’s degree from the University of Bologna, studied at ICN in France, the University of Uppsala in Sweden, City University in London and INSEAD for executive studies.”
Her continuous inspiration is what kept her striving to become better both on personal and professional levels. This same energy was driven by her father, Mohamed El-Hawary, owner and CEO of HyperOne, which was established in 2005 with the goal of becoming one of Egypt's biggest hypermarkets. “Being raised by him, it was only natural that I was continually fed retail experience, which I now believe runs in my blood. These early experiences extended my viewpoints and gave me an advantage in real-world business situations such as ups and downs with clients, monitoring, and understanding purchasing patterns and power.”
“We create products with a message: A reminder to just be Human.”
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Instigating beauty and simplicity fixating on refined and high-quality apparel in the realm of the fashion industry, “I started the Egyptian garment and textile company Icon in 2019. Given that all of our items are produced in Egypt, it is a brand that appeals to everyone. Icon's major goal is to meet everyone's needs for clothes, regardless of their differences in class, talents, ethnicity, age, or any other characteristics that make us who we are as individuals. We are growing throughout Egypt while pledging to maintain our QVV, or quality, value, and variety.”
Lately, a shift in the fashion mindset is evident; sustainable and eco-friendly clothing lines are being commenced, dictating that fashion created must legitimize the prosperity of the planet and the people in it. “These are the words that drive my work as an entrepreneur, humanitarian, and fashion and clothing industry leader. I believe in making a positive difference and in mankind. I also enjoy spreading happiness and joy via the items and services I offer. What I believe in is reflected in my work. We are all here for a reason, and what we do throughout the course of our days shapes our lives.”
“We are a brand that is not about solo expression, we share humanitarian values through clothes and every other product we produce.”
Fast fashion poses a threat to the environment with its overproduction of garments within the industry. In fact, there is an abundance of unsold garments that are hardly ever disposed of. What we as consumers may perceive as cheap and fashionable comes with a high price. The 34-year-old explains that with her clothing brand a truly committed effort has been made to create a significant effect on the world, “serving as a constant reminder to one another of who we are, why we are here, and what we should be doing with our lives. We exist to practice humanity, and it is our goal to create the world a more humane environment where all people may live in peace and harmony. Through what we make, how we generate it, and how we share it with others, OHF seeks to restore humanity. Every necessity is met by the goods in our collection. In an effort to include sign language and braille into our everyday conversations and designs, we do so throughout.”
From a consumer’s standpoint, relationships are built with clothing brands which will ultimately lead to growing a loyal audience from that brand. “Do you realize how many individuals use sign language and braille yet still feel invisible or isolated? We attempt to be accessible to all needs, and we provide clothing for genetically shorter persons as well as designs for people with special requirements. How many adults and children struggle to locate clothing that suits their physical frames perfectly? We create genuine, usable clothing for real people in designs and sizes that truly work for them, showcasing their individual beauty and spreading a message just by moving around.”
In the past fifteen years, global clothing production has duplicated to meet consumer demand, resulting in an increase of sixty percent in the number of clothing items purchased each year but an evident shift in the fashion mindset has been created; dictating that fashion created must legitimize the prosperity of the planet and the people in it. “Fashion should let you express who you are, not only to the world outside of you, which might not be a good match. Because of this, at One Human, we value simplicity because it helps you connect with the true you—both on the inside and on the outside. ”
El-Hawary concludes: “Imagine what will happen if each one of us tries a little bit harder, to care just a little bit more; that's the power of one… the power of One Human Family.”