Ahmed Fouad: Mr. Tuxedos

Written by: Mahmoud Demerdash

Date: 2023-09-27

Tuxedos & Suits: Wear Them Anywhere

Tuxedos & Suits: Wear Them Anywhere 

Trends continuously reemerge and transform over time in the world of fashion as the cycle is perpetually in motion. In the present, there has been an emphasis on comfort, space, and uniqueness in clothing. This preference has seen various garments undergo shifts in usage and styles, including tuxedos and suits, with these timeless garments constantly carving a place for themselves, no matter the time period. He Magazine was able to delve deeper into the surge of formal clothing for more everyday wear by conducting an interview with one of Egypt’s leading fashion designers, Ahmed Fouad.

The mastermind behind the brand, Mr. Tuxedos, Ahmed Fouad, is the designer of countless iterations of suits and tuxedos, with his designs gaining international acclaim. With a career spanning over a decade, Mr. Fouad's journey in the industry began in 2011 when he joined the multinational clothing company H&M, seeking to deepen his understanding of the industry's nuances. Reminiscing, he remembers, “During that period, opportunities for learning about fashion design in Egypt were rather limited. Thus, I pursued work in the field to acquire valuable experience.” This early exposure to fashion laid the foundation for his future endeavors. Mr. Fouad reminisced on his early experience. “It was an excellent start, honestly, and it gave me a good insight into colors and how to match items, what worked with what,” he further explained the reasoning behind starting this journey, “From an early age, I sought to gain experience and develop my passion for creating unique items. My love for crafting and designing extended to my friends, where I would help them by meticulously choosing colors and fabrics. Although my work was quite amateur, it became a cherished hobby, allowing me to utilize my imagination.” This love for fashion led to the eventual creation of his trademark, Mr. Tuxedos. A luxury menswear brand established in 2017, it quickly rose to prominence. The brand successfully carved a niche in the Egyptian and international fashion scene by offering its unique style along with a blend of classic elegance and sophistication, ensuring that each piece exudes refinement and a measure of prominence.

Suits and tuxedos have adapted and transformed with each turn of the fashion cycle to align with prevailing styles. Notably, there has been a noticeable surge in demand for these elegant attire options, a testament to their enduring appeal and versatility in today's fashion landscape. The prevalence of formal wear in contemporary fashion isn't bound by a specific start or end date. Instead, it's part of an ongoing cycle where trends continually evolve. In Mr. Fouad's perspective, men's fashion choices historically appeared limited. He believes, “The standard male wardrobe often consisted of shirts, pants, or shorts,” offering little room for self-expression or variation. However, the evolution of suits has disrupted this narrative. According to Mr. Fouad, “Suits and tuxedos have undergone a significant transformation, becoming highly customizable in terms of fabric, fit, and design.” This adaptability has empowered individuals to make a statement with their attire. Notably, contemporary suits prioritize comfort in ways that previous generations may not have, thus increasing their flexibility. According to Mr. Fouad, this added ease has enabled suits to be used as an item for people's fit. “Nowadays, you have the freedom to mix and match various elements, such as different shirts, sneakers like Nikes, and different pants, creating a lot of good-looking fits.” He further mentions, “The level of comfort is so exceptional that it almost feels like you're not wearing one at all.”


This rise in demand and a world dominated by fast fashion has increased the popularity of tuxedos and suits in everyday attire. "Fast fashion" refers to a business model and approach to clothing retail that prioritizes quickly producing and delivering affordable, trendy clothing to consumers. In this model, clothing brands and retailers rapidly create new designs and collections, often taking inspiration from the latest runway trends or celebrity styles. As a result, this phenomenon has accelerated the cycle, leading to more frequent innovations. Mr. Fouad recognizes the current climate and points out, "In today's world, fast fashion has reshaped our preferences. People are no longer inclined toward tight-fitting clothes. Instead, fast fashion has redefined the traditional landscape, allowing for a shift in the way we perceive and wear suits." This shift in fabric has expanded the occasions for which men can comfortably don suits, making them suitable for less conventional events. Mr. Fouad points out, “You can confidently sport it practically anywhere, whether it's an elegant fine-dining affair or any other setting, without the need for a strictly formal occasion.” As we step into a new era, formality gracefully yields to versatility.

The origins of this change exhibit the evolution of men's fashion influenced by the elements of culture, society, and various dynamics. When asked about this trend's spread, Mr. Fouad said, “Every designer is actively promoting this trend internationally, so am I within Egypt along with other Egyptian designers embracing the “comfy” trend.” Each designer's unique additions spark curiosity about the dynamic between the artist and their art. Mr. Fouad provided insight by stating, “We aim to enhance people's comfort and relaxation while keeping them fashion-forward in Mr. Tuxedos. To achieve this, we carefully select fabrics that allow individuals to move effortlessly while taking a walk, driving their car, going out with their friends, etc., without compromising their sense of style. We draw inspiration from the ever-changing trends but selectively incorporate elements harmonizing with Mr. Tuxedos' distinctness. Trends may ebb and flow, but we blend them into our brand's identity, ensuring our designs remain true to their core, creating a timeless yet trendy fusion.”. This was evident in the brand’s collections such as "The Pharaoh's Oracle," which ingeniously fused elements of pharaonic heritage with the latest fashion trends, and “Euphoric,” which showcased the vivid and vibrant colors in a statement summer collection.

Eras often occur without clear demarcation, leaving us ambiguous about when one era concludes and the next one begins. Fashion preferences among men in the region are rising, marked by a growing appreciation for designs that balance gravitas and wearability. Egyptians and Arabs are placing increased importance on the layers and details within their ensembles. This emerging trend aligns seamlessly with these evolving sensibilities, offering new horizons for fashion in the Middle East. Amidst this dynamic shift, we anticipate the continued presence of Mr. Tuxedos, serving as a steadfast pillar within this exciting era of fashion growth within the region.