Date: 2021-09-01
The design process is not that easy as it seems. The study of all elements is very important as each single line has to be placed to serve & embody the idea, otherwise it is useless in the design

The design process is not that easy as it seems. The study of all elements is very important as each single line has to be placed to serve & embody the idea, otherwise it is useless in the design. The designer is consuming much time & effort to innovate an idea, satisfying his aspiration. He is like a maestro who is leading the design elements in a harmonic process, keeping the rhythm in the background. Adopting the famous quote of the great musician “Beethoven” which says “don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets”, the designer is both creating art, and paving its way.
A designer’s philosophy identification is comprehensive as it contains the abstract level of design imagination, and the actual level of design implementation. Identifying
the design philosophy is an important part in the design process, since it directly guides and shapes users' response to the final product.
The selection of right colors, themes, textures & materials is a complicated process. The selection itself may seem an easy process, but actually it is a great challenge to the designer as he is responsible for the results of his choice, which should completely appeal to his audience, gaining the admiration of his clients.
Adding value to the final product is the final touch. Employing the finest materials is always a priority to successful designers. Besides, the lighting effect is the wizard of the design as it is used to highlight specific areas of the design to get the intended impressions.